
Public Library

As I walked past the great lions, Patience and Fortitude, who guard the outside the New York Public Library on 42nd Street and 5th Ave, I was jostled by a stroller. Paying it no mind, I walked up the marble steps past smokers and picture-takers. I then waited on line for 5 minutes to get into the library, surrounded by hoards of people speaking foreign languages. I began to suspect they were not here to take out or read a book. Then a little kid jumped off the line and onto my foot. His parents bowed in apology and yanked him up by his little furry parka. 
Finally making my way to the front of the line, I had to open my backpack for inspection. Like, at the airport, or the United Nations. 
Steering through the crowds of toddlers, strollers, tourists and such, I made my way up the three flights to the Reading Room; usually a place of great peace. But on this day, it was more like rush hour at Grand Central. Apparently, the NY Public Library is a huge tourist destination. What a great day out with the kids, huh? A nice, quiet room full of books. Fun times.
I found a table with no one at it and began my reading, as I had been searching for a quiet place to collect my thoughts. No such luck. Cell phones whistled and beeped. Computers opened and closed. Little bits of pop music escaped from the earbuds of the readers around me. NYU students joined my table. They had alot to talk about. And talk about. With each other and their cell phone friends. 
Cameras flashed. Tourists with thick accents and day-glo backpacks strolled the aisles, apparently admiring all the books on the shelves. Fascinating!
After 2 hours, I got little done and started feeling a headache coming on.
So much for Patience and Fortitude. 
At least the other lion isn't named "Solitude." That would not be accurate.

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