
Save It!

When the curtain comes down after a performance, the creative folks involved usually have only one thing on their mind: a cocktail
Many theater-goers think it is their civic duty to immediately share their well-honed observations with the talent or director. Yes, getting feedback is vital in the arts. It's what makes us and our shows better. It's not always easy to take, but we try.
However, you can do us all a big favor and wait a day or so to share your keen artistic observations; no matter how passionate you are about them. Especially negative ones that are painfully clear, like, "The sound was bad in that opening number." Trust me, we all know that the sound was bad. We know. We were there. We have ears. 
Or "Did you see that guy roaming up and down the aisle?" Yes, we all saw that guy, Sherlock, since we were all in the same theater.
I understand if you're excited to express yourself the way the creatives of the show just did. We want to excite you!
Giving birth to a show is similar to giving birth to a baby. And like a new baby, it takes time, growing pains, alot of money ... and there might be a missing finger or toe. The parents know about those missing digits (assuming they can count to ten) and you don't need to point it out.
The best thing you can do is keep mental notes about what you liked and didn't like, or when the sound didn't work, and then share those thoughts via email or a phone conversation a few days later. Perhaps you will point out something that the creatives didn't realize! That would be great. Then they can fix things. But, not right after the show. All we want to do is breathe, drink, and get hugs.
Support the arts and your friends and their babies. Just try, try, try keeping your opinions to yourself for a day or two. There's a very good chance the artists are on the same page.
Unless it's "Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark." No matter what you say, the creatives and producers will wait 6 months to take any of your suggestions to heart while taking your money, brain cells and time.
Thanks! See you at the next Christening!

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