
The Last Word

St. Matthias School
If you look at any of my elementary school report cards from St. Matthias in Queens, the comment that comes up without fail is: "Peter is a wonderful student, but he always has to have the last word."
Having the "last word" in Catholic School is nearly impossible. Actually, speaking in class at all is a major sin. But, year after year, the nuns commented on how much I talked. I questioned everything (like the creation of Adam & Eve and the source of Root Beer). I answered back, and I wouldn't take no for an answer. Show and Tell was my favorite subject. Nap time was an impossibility.
If the nuns only knew that I went on to make my living by speaking -- hawking beers, bands, banks and perfumes. This is important stuff, people!
I recently noticed on my Facebook posts that the threads I start are often quite long. Folks like to jump on my silly bandwagon. I enjoy conversation, even if it's typed. And if you read way down to the last comment -- it's always mine. Always.
Which I blame on the nuns. If they whacked me on my knuckles with a ruler in the name of Jesus more often, my Facebook posts would end sooner ... and I'd be flat broke.

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