
Show Stuff: If ...

Some simple tips for getting ahead in show biz:

If you are in show biz and you never see shows, see some.
If you are in show biz and you never produce, do it.
If you are in show biz and you never perform, do it.
If you get an invite to a show; respond - even if it's a no.
If you come to a show and you like it, say you like it.
If you come to a show and you hate it, say you like it.
If you come to a show and love it, tell your friends.
If you don't have any friends, get some.
If you want to work with a director, see their show.
If you want work with a writer, read their writing.
If you want to perform at a space, see a show in that space.
If you want to do a one-person show, see a one-person show.
If you want to write a play, see a play.
If you want to write a musical, see a few of them.
If you want to learn something new, take a class.
If you want to create a YouTube video, watch some.
If you want to be expressive, stop talking about it and do it.
If you want to be famous, look elsewhere.
If you have read this far, you are already a smarter person!

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