
An Itch to Scratch

The nice, red-haired Indian man at my local deli, who has seen me at least 3-4 times a week for the past 10 years, recently said, "You used to be de incense guy?" 
I replied, "The what?" 
He asks, "You did de incense cards?" 
I said, "I don't know about that. Maybe you have me confused with a salesperson." 
He insists, "No. I know it was you. I just realized. You did de incense! Dat is so cool!"
I blinked and stared blankly. After a moment, he pointed to the lottery cards, and I realized he was saying the "Instant Guy."
"Oh," I said, "The instant-scratch off cards. Scratcher Guy for the New York Lottery. Yes."
He squeals, "Yes! Dat was you! Why you not ever play the lottery here?"
I said, "I think it's fixed. And the lines are too long!"
True story.
It might have taken him 12 years to figure it out, but it's always nice to be recognized.
CLICK HERE to see bits of the 1999 commercials, to scratch your itch.

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