
The Edward Albee Project

Call up my buddy Eddie Albee and ask him if he has any old or new plays he's socked away in a drawer. I submit those plays to every regional theater in the United States, with my name as the playwright. I wait 6-12 months and get tons of rejection letters. Then, I re-submit the plays with Edward Albee's name on them, and they all get picked up!
NOTE: I don't actually approve of shows or movies with the word PROJECT in them. And I don't actually know Edward Albee, who has written some great plays like "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "A Delicate Balance." He also wrote many weird ones like "The Goat or Who is Sylvia?" and "The Play About the Baby."  If you know him, can you run this idea by him? I think he would go for it.

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