
The Clapper

At a recent, decent, Broadway musical, my friends chided me for only clapping once after a particularly dull number. I literally clapped once (CLAP). Heck, I already paid and showed up. Now the "work" was up to the actors. They told me that it was sorta weird and rude to only give one clap. Really?
We weren't being video or audio taped. We weren't within the performers' view. We didn't know anyone in the show. Since when did clapping become mandatory?
Clapping is overrated. 
During the monologues of late night talk show hosts, clapping has replaced laughing. On morning talk shows, someone says "We've been married for 5 years", and the audience claps in congratulatory recognition. During a daytime game show, when someone is smarter than a 5th grader, the audience claps wildly for their fortune.
I clapped for 5 years in STOMP and got paid for it. I think I can safely clap as little or as much as I want to.
Note: I was forced to stand at the end of the show during the curtain call. But, I used it as an excuse to put on my winter coat and fix my wrinkled dress.

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