

How hard is it to order eggs at the deli?

I had three clowns in front of me on the long line, making sure their breakfast was made TO ORDER, just like their mamma or long-suffering wife made them ...

Clown 1: Hey, man, put some more cheese on them eggs! C'mon now, don't be stingy. What kinda cheese is dat? American? Good. I don't want that cheddar crap.

Clown 2: I want some more hot sauce on them eggs. Put it on there. And, hey, gimme some of that ketchup. Some more. Some more. A'ight, man. Gimme a few on the side, will ya?

Clown 3: Is that bacon "beef" bacon? You sure? Okay. Cook it some more. Hey, you can give me some more than that. I want it well done, son. Hey! I want 8 sugars in that coffee. Yesterday you didn't gimme 8. Tasted like shit.

I opted for a yogurt.

Me (to yogurt container): Hey! Can I have some more acidophilus in there? Yeah! That's right! Load up that bacteria, bitch.

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