
It's a Living

Why, oh why, are some people who do the same jobs every day, so bad at them?
Why do the Chinese delivery guys, who ride their bikes every day hither and yon, ride on the sidewalk? It's illegal, slow and annoying.
Why do truck drivers blow their very loud horns when the car at the light ahead of them doesn't haul ass right way? It's illegal, jarring and inconsiderate.
Why do limo drivers not use their turn signals when they are turning a corner? It's illegal, dangerous, and lazy.
And why do drivers from New Jersey break every rule while driving -- no signal, speeding on side streets, talking on cell phone, and needless honking.
(I know that the last example does not relate to a job, but perhaps if more of them got jobs in New Jersey, commuters in Manhattan wouldn't be in so much danger.)

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