
Dinner Theater

I sometimes have the luxury of seeing movies in the middle of the day due to my erratic schedule. Yesterday I went to see a thriller called "Donkey Punch" at one of art houses here in NYC. The guy sitting in front of me was a head case. First he opened his backpack and took out THREE sandwiches, which he lined up on the seat next to him. Then he took out a Big Gulp cup, which seemed to have ice in it. Weird. Then, he took out a bottle of Coke and poured it into the Big Gulp cup. He then placed the lid on the cup, opened a straw, poked it in and drank. He nibbled on the sandwiches throughout the film, and every time a character said something that seemed important, he "noted" it by pointing at the screen for a few seconds. He continued to eat, pour and point during the 90 minute film. And at the end of the film, he left all of his leftovers on the floor.
Hadn't he ever heard of sharing?

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