
Soap, meet Mouth

Yesterday, I was walking through Chelsea and became a bit frazzled when I ran into a herd of people on the narrow sidewalk loudly addressing each other with the following phrases:
"Nigga, you trippin'!'"
"That bitch gonna get what's comin' to her."
"Shut up nigga!"
"Shut up, bitch."
"You a dumb fuck, nigga."
 ... and so on. Caught in the melee, I was startled by the words I was hearing. Because, the group of people I was in the middle of, was a group of Junior High School students on their way to Starbucks.
When I was in Junior High School, I didn't drink coffee. 


iambrady said...

When you were in Jr. High they didn't have electricity to brew the coffee.

Sandra O'Day said...

The kids were white, right?